EFA Webinar Aug. 6 for Back to School
As families get ready for the new school year to begin, we invite them to participate in this webinar at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 explaining the Educational Freedom Account (EFA) program created by Arkansas LEARNS! We’re hosting the Arkansas Department of Education to not only cover the basics, but also to talk about the growth of the program to serve more families and allow more options this year, as well as the new online platform families will need to use to access their EFA. It’s everything families using the EFA need to know before returning this fall to whatever type of school works best for their children.
Register for the webinar using this link!
While there will be an opportunity to ask questions using the Q&A feature in the Zoom platform during this webinar, we also welcome questions submitted beforehand using this form. We will include as many questions as time allows after the presentation.
We hope to see you at 7 p.m. Aug. 6!
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5917218560371/WN_7gksW72MTEuYibcCNL9tRg
Questions: https://forms.gle/sWriJBotxS9jGNTm7