The Succeed Scholarship program has given my once shy and unsocial little girl, Kiyah, the confidence, ability, and hope to thrive. On the spectrum, Kiyah was diagnosed at an early age. Her mom and I worked hard to introduce and provide her with support and safety not often found in the public school system.
Bullying is a common theme and thread in many public school systems, and often times it is students with a disability receiving the brunt of bullying and or lack of compassion from some teachers. Arkansas is not yet in a position to provide an educational environment and process that is conducive to the diverse needs of its students.
If we are champions of one of Arkansas’ most precious and natural resources, the kids, it would be egregious to defund the Succeed Scholarship program. Doing so would surely be a setback to our kids who benefit from the scholarship.
– Kevin, parent
2025 Little Rock School Fair
Join us on January 25 when we’ll kick off National School Choice Week with a School Info Fair from 11 am to 2 pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. We hope you’ll join us, because the event is totally FREE! RSVP today: