I’m a single parent of an autistic son. He’s very quiet, and typically a loner. He has a hard time decoding messages among many other problems associated with ASD. The Succeed Scholarship has provided a safe haven for my son to learn.
He has been bullied, and threatened to be killed by other students in a public school setting. The teachers didn’t care, and ignored ever cry for help. With the Succeed Scholarship, my son has gained great socialization skills, and feels comfortable sitting in a regular classroom.
Being in a smaller classroom he’s able to receive more one on one instruction. This reduces the amount of modified assignments he may need. Please don’t defund a program that is helping our children who are uniquely different. You would be putting him in an environment that would bring stress to him/them as a child, the parent, and those would have to interact with my child at school. I pray that you have a heart of Love and compassion. Yes our children may be special needs, but they are still our future.
– NeShon, parent
2025 Little Rock School Fair
Join us on January 25 when we’ll kick off National School Choice Week with a School Info Fair from 11 am to 2 pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. We hope you’ll join us, because the event is totally FREE! RSVP today: www.littlerockschoolfair.com...