Last year Trevor was starting 3rd grade and could not read; he could not even identify words like and or the. Math was basically the same story, Trevor could not count to 100 without help. He was a great student behavior wise — calm, quite and attentive — but things were just not clicking for him.
In second grade we found out he was dyslexic. We knew we had to push for help that public school didn’t have time or properly trained staff to give him. His second grade public school teacher literally told us she just does not have the time to help. Our friends told us about The Reform Alliance and the Succeed Scholarship. She told us it turned her daughter’s life around in less than one school year. We called Emmy, who was so sweet and gave us so much information. We felt like it wasn’t hopeless, and our son was going to get to feel like he wasn’t “stupid” or “a dummy” and not worth his teachers time. We hooked up with Immaculate Conception School who helped us, along with Emi.
On to third grade we went, new school, new teachers, new friends but still the “I am a dummy” attitude. The first month was tough because of adjustments. Then the first report card came out: It was near perfect! His confidence was boosted, his attitude about himself and his abilities was changed. After that it was one hurdle after another.
My baby was happy so we where happy. Trevor worked hard because his teachers worked hard with him. He wanted it for himself and to make us all proud. Fast forward to last week, our second week of fourth grade. Trevor got his book out on the car ride to school and told me he wanted to get some extra reading in. He read it flawlessly. It was a proud mommy moment that was 100% Facebook-worthy news. Trevor can now read books at his grade level and is starting to learn division. Without this organization and your funds Trevor would still not be able to read, write or do basic math. Thank you!
I have attached the picture I took last week of my little man reading. It’s truly a blessing!
– Jamie, parent
2025 Little Rock School Fair
Join us on January 25 when we’ll kick off National School Choice Week with a School Info Fair from 11 am to 2 pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. We hope you’ll join us, because the event is totally FREE! RSVP today: