UPDATE (4/16): Due to unforeseen circumstances, tonight’s webinar has been postponed. You can click here to find more information about the EFA program or visit the Arkansas Department of Education: https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/office-of-school-choice-and-parent-empowerment/education-freedom-accounts. If you need application assistance, please call us at 501-244-9028.
We’re excited to be hosting another online webinar about the Educational Freedom Account (EFA) program with the Arkansas Department of Education. We will cover the basics of how students can qualify for the program and how parents can enroll, but we also will have some important news and updates about the regulations that will govern the program in the 2024-25 school year.
Whether you’re in the program now, interested in enrolling in it for the fall, or just want more information about how the program can provide resources for K-12 education, please join us virtually at 7 PM Tuesday, April 16. You can register using this link. Please feel free to share it with anyone you know who might be interested.
See you on April 16!
DATE: Tuesday, April 16